Devlog 2 - Camera Mode

Hello there again!

Fancy finding you again for the subsequent development of our magnificent game, Parallax Project!

Following our already-established mini 3D world in our demo, we have included the initial mechanics for the "Camera Mode", an intrinsical part of our game that you must use to interact with the puzzles, yet to be created. Along with these, the conditions for "losing" have been established, if you take 10 photos, you will lose the level, and the Lose Menu will appear. We have yet to add the Win Condition, as well for the camera mode to interact with an objective, with the aftermath of the tp mechanic. 

Some known bugs (we have yet to fix as well)  that you might find trying out our Demo, are that you might either get stuck in between the bench and the trees at the left, the cursor might get left on your screen if you use esc to pause and that the viewfinder screen gets locked after you pause while in the camera mode.

Ensuite, we aim to upgrade the Camera mode, as well as the viewfinder screen, structure the win condition with an objective properly, include the tp mechanic, and start brainstorming levels.

Till the next time!

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